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Mistress Diana, 27

A little bit about me


MISTRESS - Professional Independent BDSM Dominatrix

I'm a Dominatrix and I welcome yuou to my profile.

I pride Myself on creating your optimal fetish experience, session after session. I'm able to do this because I?m wholly dedicated to My chosen craft, relishing in the great pleasure of playing BDSM games - not only as a personal passion, but also as a career.

What sets Me above the rest

I?m often told My mere presence, intuitive power and undiluted PASSION for kink is second to none. I also possess honed hard skills; finessed by years of experience, brought about only by courage and dedication, driven by the wont to push both My submissives - and Myself!

Although I pride Myself on being diverse, as a baseline I'd describe Myself as a fetishistic Top with a strong sadistic streak who enjoys intense, connected scenes.

I genuinely enjoy sessions

My most seminal sessions are intuitive and creative, regardless of the extremity of activity - players of all levels are welcome!

Come meet Me and find out why I'm so recognized and regarded as world class, as well as why I've risen to become a figure in the local media and international kink community.

Personal Details

Age 27

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